Kusto-Valmont deal ‘will make Kazakhstan an agricultural leader’

A recent Agreement signed between Kusto Group, Valmont Industries and the Government of Kazakhstan ‘will make Kazakhstan an agricultural leader’ according to Kazakh Prime Minister Askar Mamin.
A recent Agreement signed between Kusto Group, Valmont Industries and the Government of Kazakhstan ‘will make Kazakhstan an agricultural leader’ according to Kazakh Prime Minister Askar Mamin.
“We are excited to welcome Valmont to Kazakhstan and work together with the global leader in mechanized irrigation. The use of advanced technologies by Valley will have a ‘multiplier effect’ on crop production, yield enhancement and the creation of a sustainable forage base for livestock. Together, we will make Kazakhstan an agricultural leader,” said Mr Mamin.
Prime Minister Mamin made his comments at the signing ceremony for the Agreement at the headquarters of Valmont Industries in Nebraska, United States, attended by Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts, Yerkin Tatishev, Chairman of Kusto Group and Valmont Industries CEO, Stephen Kaniewski.
Commenting on Kazakhstan’s enormous agricultural potential, Governor Ricketts of Nebraska added: “Seventy-five percent of Kazakhstan’s territory is suitable for agricultural production – this is a clear opportunity for mutually beneficial cooperation in this field given Nebraska’s agricultural expertise.”
As part of the agreement, Valmont will share innovative technologies in irrigation, efficient use of water resources and feed manufacturing with local farmers. It is estimated that technologies from Valley Irrigation, a Valmont company, will increase crop productivity and reduce agricultural costs in Kazakhstan by 50%. The recent meeting at Valmont’s headquarters in Nebraska comes after Kusto Group signed an MoU with Valmont in July for the construction of a production plant for modern irrigation systems in Kazakhstan.
“The agreement signed today creates a world-class platform that will enable Kazakhstan to unlock its enormous agricultural potential. Valley brings more than 70 years of experience and know-how that will help our farmers and growers create sustainable incomes, build new jobs and fulfil the goal of helping Kazakhstan become a global food provider to the world,” stated Kusto Chairman Yerkin Tatishev.