Kusto Agro Ukraine

As an innovator in one of the world’s oldest industries, Kusto Agro uses the latest agricultural technologies and farming methods to produce and sell grains, oilseeds and other high-value-added agricultural products. Pioneering the cross-section of agricultural yields and digital farming, Kusto Agro deploys a mix of precision planting technologies, drones and sensors, yield mapping, and advanced field management software to make better, data-driven farming decisions.
Launching our Research & Development department in 2020, we have worked extensively with leading seed genetics providers as well as KazSeeds, a joint venture between Kusto Group and Baumgartner Agricultural Science and Service (BASS), to analyse and grow the best performing non-GMO seed varieties. Thanks to its rapid growth in capacity, innovation and internal trading and logistics, Kusto Agro has been ranked among the top 100 agricultural companies in Ukraine.
With a land bank of more than 23,000 hectares in Ukraine this year alone, we will continue to work with a range of local and international partners to service the growing food demand across the globe, including in Europe, Asia and Africa.